Tuesday, July 30, 2013


So I got some more news this week about my visa application and it just gets more and more ridiculous for want of a better word.  It is all in the timing and I picked the wrong time to apply for my K Class permit and I really don’t think that I am going to get it before I leave.  This is not such a bad thing, as my application can be asked to be held until I return in January, which means I will be back in Kenya and getting the full 24 months that I am paying for.  If it does go through before I leave I will only be using 20 months of the 24 month visa, so reasonably it is not such a bad thing.  We have a 3 week window, as it should only take 3 weeks to issue once they do re-open to get the K Class visa, but I am now more worried about the news that I got this week from a phone call from my IA (Immigration Agents).

So it has transpired further this week that the Immigration department is now basically on full shut down, not just for work permits but visa renewal as well.  The newly appointed Immigration Director claims that she is restructuring staff and making improvements at Immigration which is not a bad thing and for the past 2 months, the Work Permit and Citizenship Departments have been on shutdown, the issue is that now just this week, Special Passes, Multi-Journey Visas and renewal of Tourist/Business Visas are not been processed.  This is going to be a problem for hundreds of people as their visas come up for renewal in the coming weeks.  I am one of them.  My tourist visa is due to expire on the 21st August and if the Immigration department does not come back online, what are people supposed to do as we literally will be in Kenya illegally.  As good as it may be that potential "improvements" are taking place, such a crucial institution should not have to be on shutdown for this long as there are a bunch of expats in dire need to renew their nearly expired visas, obtain work permits/special passes in order to begin work and so forth. Companies/organizations are also suffering as a result of expat staff not being able to begin work, there are always implications for something as important as trying to clean up the bribes and corruption that seems to be going on.  

As reported in The Standard:
“The Immigration Department has suspended indefinitely the issuance and renewal of work permits to streamline its operations, The Standard can reveal.  Impeccable sources confided that renewal of work permits and application for new ones was suspended two weeks ago. And it could take another two weeks before the suspension is lifted.  The level of corruption in this particular department dealing with work permits has been shocking. The new director wants to clean up the house, the source said.  Newly appointed Immigration Director Jane Waikenda is keen to give the department a new face and last week, she announced new measures to improve services.  All immigration officers will be required to be in full uniform with their name tags exposed to the public. This will make it easier for every Kenyan to easily identify them for expedient services. It will also help in dealing with brokers masquerading as immigration officers. They have been giving a bad image to the Immigration Department said Mrs Waikenda”.

I was advised by my Immigration Agent, that since my visa is near expiration and with the possibility of finding myself "stuck", they are encouraging all their clients to report the issue to their respective embassies so that we are "protected", so to speak, from possible fines for being in the country "illegally". So I sent an email to the Australian High Commission this morning stating my position and asking for some advice and I am yet to receive a reply.  But at least I have tried to do the right thing and I really do hope that they reply back.  Surely I am not the only Australian who will be affected in the coming month?  

I did write in a previous post that “my positive spin is that they couldn’t keep the Kenyan Immigration Office closed for too long-right?  Well this is Kenya (TIK) as it is a BIG revenue business for them.  It can’t take that long can it?  Can it?”  Well they were famous last words 2 weeks ago and maybe, just maybe I jinxed everything?  So another week passes and we do not know how long it will be and neither do any of the staff at Immigration as they don’t know when things will re-open either.  However, as soon as Rebecca receives information, she will inform me immediately. They have been so good with all their communications to date and I am so so glad that I have my IA (Immigration Agents) in my corner and are in the know and it is reassuring to know that they are going through the process with me and are on top of everything.  This is why I am paying the money to have Rebecca on my team and I couldn’t be happier with all the progress reports and the stress free-ness of what is the beast of the Kenyan visa.  I do know that if anything changes I will be notified.  So what turned out to be a week’s hold up is now stretching into week 4 and I now have the problem of my tourist visa expiring and not knowing what I will do or what will happen to people in my position once our visas have expired, especially when we try and leave the country.  The real sucky thing for me is that I will only be ‘illegal’ for 14 days as I will be leaving the country for my West Africa trip.  14 lousy days……..  I guess we will wait and see if any comments come through on the NES Facebook and again I am glad I have my IA in my corner.

The visa debacle continues and takes a new twist with how do I stay in Kenya legally should they stay in ‘shut down’ for the next 4 weeks……..    

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