Monday, July 29, 2013


They say that once you get one tattoo you will always get another and I am walking proof that it is a true statement.  I’ve always wanted to get a tattoo.  I never really knew what I wanted and was always in a relationship with guys/husband who didn’t like them.  When I separated from my ex-husband in 2010, I was free to do whatever I wanted and 3 months after our separation and 2 years after the passing of my mum, I knew exactly what I wanted to get as my first tattoo.  It was my mum’s nickname, a picture of the globe in reference to my 22 month World Odyssey and the number 7 for the 7 continents that I was to travel to.  The only thing people fed back was about the 7 continent reference, as I hadn’t done it yet and maybe I was jinxing myself but I had a backup plan if I didn’t make it to Antarctica for any reason and I could turn the 7 into 27 as that is my date of birth and also the date that I found out that my mum had passed.  Either way, I was covered and I LOVED my first tattoo and what it meant.  It is a permanent hard copy reminder of my mum and what I have been able to achieve in her memory.  Giving me a once in a lifetime experience that I was able to accomplish because of her, it really is a special tattoo that means more to me than I can ever express in words.
My second tattoo was when I was in Ethiopia in 2012.  I got the name of my ex-boyfriend, and I know, I can hear everyone shudder and tut.  I now know the number one thing people should NEVER get tattooed is the names of people that aren’t family members.  I have a friend that has 2 tattoos, one for each of her children but she will not get her husband’s name tattooed on her-her kids will always be her kids, but things could always change (wanted or not) with her husband.  At the time it didn’t worry me getting Zeme’s name tattooed on me and I know how crazy it was going to look to other people.  This tattoo was going to be with me till the day I die, but in a way I couldn’t put into words why it felt so right, but it did at the time and it was like it was my destiny which I know sounds corny but so be it, it was how I felt and I had absolutely no second thoughts what so ever as I got the name of some-one tattooed on my skin for life.  Once I posted a picture of that tattoo on Facebook there were a lot of positive comments and also a few reality comments about putting a name on my skin, and my simple reply back was that if things didn’t work out (it was never an option at the time) was that haven’t they all seen LA Ink?  I could get it changed into something else should I need to, they can change tattoos to anything these days, which at the time I didn’t even think I would EVER have to do and I LOVED the tattoo when I got it.  I loved the font and what the tattoo meant at the time.  Needless to say, life runs its course and things never turn out the way you planned and I now have an ex-boyfriends name tattooed on my arm and nearly 12 months on after we broke up, I am now ready to get it changed into something else.  It is now time to play my LA Ink card and in the coming months I will be getting a tattoo artist to draw up a design that will incorporate/hide the Zeme tattoo, as it is a permanent reminder of what was a pretty painful and shameful breakup for me and getting a fresh ink on top of that one is the last step I need to truly leave that part of my life behind and look toward the future Zeme free.      
My 3rd tattoo was something that I had thought about for a few weeks and I know exactly where I was when I knew that I wanted my third tattoo and what I wanted.  I was in Sri Lanka on a 16 day trip in October 2012 and I was struggling with my relationship with Zeme.  We were in Anuradhapura and on our way to visit the Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi which is a Sacred Fig tree said to be the southern branch from the historical Bodhi tree under which Lord Buddha attained Enlightenment.  It was planted in 288 BC and is the oldest living human-planted tree in the world with a known planting date and today it is one of the most sacred relics of the Buddhists in Sri Lanka and respected by Buddhists all over the world.  My whole trip to Sri Lanka and learning more about the Buddhism religion was one that I will not forget.  Our guide, Indika, was a Buddhist and we stopped to get the explanation of the Buddhist flag and the Wheel of Life and there were 3 words that stood out to me as soon as Indika said them, it was like a light bulb going off and they instantly resonated with me and instantly made me feel better.  They were “happiness follows sadness’.  The wheel keeps turning and if you feel sad, don’t despair, as the wheel keeps turning and happiness will follow and round and round it goes.  At the time it was exactly what I needed to hear and after my tour finished in Sri Lanka I headed to the Philippines for 2 weeks, and this is where I knew that I had to break up with Zeme.  So on my very last tour of my 22 month World Odyssey before heading back to Australia, I was in Nepal for 18 days and decided I would get a tattoo done before heading back to Oz.  So a week after I had broken up with Zeme I was in a bad, dark place and those 3 words were getting me through my sad days so on day 8 of the tour I got the opportunity to get a tattoo in Pokhara and I did it.  This tattoo is very symbolic for me that even when the going gets tough, tomorrow is a new day and hope begins again. 
I have now been in Kenya for 6 months and I had seen on the NES Facebook page comments on people asking about good tattoo artists in Nairobi.  I was at first keeping track of the details that were being exchanged as I was thinking of getting the Zeme tattoo finally changed and I wanted to go to a respectable place.  I then started thinking about getting a Kenyan tattoo to symbolise my move to my new country but I had no idea on what I wanted to get and it was just on the back burner till something grabbed my attention and then a few weeks ago something did grab my attention.  I was searching the internet for a picture for my blog when I came across a picture that kept coming up that meant Hakuna Matata (no worries).  The second I saw the symbol I knew it was exactly what I wanted.  When I researched into it a little further, it does mean Hakuna Matata in an unofficial and non-African way.  It has nothing to do with it being an African symbol as Swahili is not written in symbols. It was previously written in Arabic script, and now it's written in Latin script (like the one used for English).  The symbol I was looking at was made famous in a Korean movie called 200 Pound Beauty and the symbol was symbolized as Hakuna Matata in the movie, as I haven’t seen the movie I am not sure in what capacity and after reading what people replied  to in threads in chat rooms as to what it means (very little positive comments from very negative people), anything you get can be translated into what you want and I am happy to say it is the unofficial symbol for Hakuna Matata and if I want to I can also say it is a treble clef, as I LOVE music (LOVE) so it can have a double meaning to the one tattoo.  Pretty cool huh and I was pretty proud that I was NOT getting somebodies name, and I am sure all my friends were also thinking the same thing breathing a sigh of relief.  I did go to the recommended tattoo shop at Yaya Shopping Mall and they were excellent.
Because of the shape of the symbol, I was debating on where to put the newly found design as I also wanted to get the Swahili word malaika, meaning Angel, also tattooed.  It has a double meaning for me as it is what my boyfriend Dan calls me and it also means that my mum is always with me and she is my Angel.  So I have an Angel and I am an Angel to someone else.  It is pretty cool and I figured I may as well get them both done at the same time, and it also worked out cheaper too.  I have been watching Keeping Up With the Kardashians (sad I know but I love the show) the last few months since I got DSTV, and Khloe has her initials tattooed on the top of her hand and I have to say I really liked it, so I decided to put the Hakuna Matata symbol there and then malaika could go above my Nepal tattoo.  Yes I had it all worked out and I was totally happy with the result.  An hour later, when we had finished, I showed my Zeme tattoo to my artist Abraham, and after he had playfully clipped me over the head (for getting a name-which he said happens all the time) he took a photo of the tattoo and also traced it onto a piece of plastic and he said to give him a few weeks and he will have a new design.  I said that I wasn’t too fussy as long as it didn’t go too much bigger, it could be a design or a picture or another word and that I wasn’t into dragons, witches or castles.  I am hoping that he will have something in 2 weeks, so that I can get it done before I head off on my West Africa trip in September giving it time to heal here before I leave. 
So I have now been inked 4 times in 4 different countries and on 3 different continents with 5 tattoos and I am pretty sure that I will certainly be adding more over time.  I LOVE all my tattoos, even the Zeme one and I have no regrets what so ever. 

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