Saturday, December 19, 2015


As we wait for our money to be released, you read of stories about how other people are struggling with their own issues of not being able to access their funds.

Below is an email from a lady also caught up in the saga/fraud.  My heart breaks for her. It does seem so unfair and unjust that her claim was denied, and she is one of the 5,800 people that had more than a million shillings in their accounts and they are made to wait even longer, till next year, assuming there are still funds left to divvy between the large depositors at that time, before receiving ALL their money.
There is ALWAYS some-one worse off than you.


Have a read of her plight-I'm so sorry Nel Marie Sanders and I hope that KDIC come to their senses on your particular case.

Mr Patrick Njoroge.

Yesterday I received an email from KDIC advising me that they cannot process my Imperial Bank claim submission until I settle my credit card outstanding amount. 

I literally had a nervous breakdown when I received this email. My reaction was THEY CANT BE SERIOUS? Surely? Could they be this inhumane and heartless? I cried realising that yes they are and that everything is indeed so hopeless. I have > 50 million shillings in deposit with Imperial Bank. I also had to put down Ksh 600,000/- as surety deposit for my credit card facility with the bank. It wasn’t my fault that the bank was closed on the 13th October 2015 and that the monthly automated card payment couldn’t be processed. I mean they have locked down ALL my money. I am a widow and have been banking with Imperial Bank since 2006. I am desperate and had to borrow money from a friend just to get through essential financial responsibilities e.g.electricity bills, staff salaries, NSSF, NHIF, fuel, food, water. That money has now run out….and I dont have access to more. To take a loan from DTB I need to put down surety and the interest rates are high! Surely KDIC can write off a credit card payment against money locked down in deposit account held under the same mandate? 

Mr Njoroge how can you allow things like this to happen? Money that I have borrowed and owe to survive through this ‘closure’ by end December will be Ksh 750 000 (2 1/2 months financial obligations  towards staff, utility bills, service bills, food – only essentials). Now I have to pay Ksh 140,000/- (which I have to borrow) first before I can get 1 million shillings of my own money back. Do the maths by end December in 12 days time, I will have Ksh 110,000/- balance in my pocket to survive on until end March 2016 ‘patiently’ waiting for Mr Njoroge to advise if there is any of my Ksh 50 million left? By then I would have had no electricity at my house for 3 months and would have had to send my staff home without payment. I will have the county councillor and the police at my door and a postbox full of legal demands for unpaid bills. I would think that for any normal person this situation is unbearable and unthinkable! I have 15 staff members that have worked for me for over 10 years. They are my family. What is going to happen to these 15 families? What is going to happen to me? How are we going to survive? These thoughts are constantly on my mind. I feel so desperate and the stress is unbearable. I have trouble sleeping at night, I’m having anxiety attacks and get heart pulpatations, I can’t have a normal conversation with people anymore. I stay at home avoiding people. I cry all the time over the smallest thing. I email KDIC, I twitter, I facebook, I PRAY constantly, hoping for a positive outcome and that Mr Njoroge will put all his effort into recovering our stolen money soon, like yesterday PLEASE! 

Mr Njoroge I beg of you to review what is happing to innocent victims of this fraud and corruption, and take immediate and affective action to help desperate depositors. Yes we fall in the larger depositor group but we are also suffering. Our financial obligations towards staff and businesses and our families without access to our money is destroying our lifes. I dont have money for food anymore and are to proud to ask my friends or to atmit it. Desperateness and suffering does not even begin to describe the situation I find myself in. I will not survive until end March. Please release more of our money.

Desperate Imperial Bank Depositor

Nelmarie Sanders


  1. My heart breaks for you Nelmarie Sanders. I am praying things are working out for you.

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