Monday, June 10, 2013


I never really thought about making contacts through The Nest but indeed I have met and made a new friend that also volunteers at The Nest.  After meeting Elsabe for the first time a few weeks ago, I have seen her every time I have been down at the shops and the last meet up we were discussing things and she found out that I was living here on my own and promptly told me that next time her and her friend went out for coffee that she would remember to invite me along.  For me meeting new people is always a great thing and the best part of Elsabe is that she lives on ‘my’ side of town, just down the road from me in the ‘mzungu’ estate next to Village Market.  In one of our conversations Elsabe mentioned that she is part of an organisation called SAWA and they get together on the last Thursday of each month and she would mention me to the committee.  I said that would be awesome and the following day I received an email from one of the committee members welcoming me and inviting me to their next meeting which is a pretty big deal as the group is predominantly South African as they try and maintain a 80/20 ratio mix and you can only join by invitation only.    

So what is SAWA?
SAWA is a non-profit organization of women who volunteer their time, energy and love in order to give back to the communities of their host nation. As a group of mixed Nationalities predominantly South African, they understand the challenges and opportunities facing women living their life as an expatriate and they try provide the necessary assistance and support to help newcomers settle into Kenya. They are also committed to improving the lives of their members, and their families, by way of various networking and socializing events.  They have a dedicated committee who work tirelessly to create successful fundraising events which enable them to help the various charities we support.  There are 2 big fundraisers a year, 2 big families days along with other various social events throughout the year plus the monthly meet ups as well.  It sounds right up my alley and I RSVP’d to the event and I spoke to Elsabe during the week and I am going to get a lift with her over and back to the function, so it will also save me a lot of money on taxis and that is just another positive note of finally living on the same side of town of someone I have met!  

SAWA have a dedicated committee who work tirelessly to create successful fundraising events which enables us to help the various Charities we support. Every year the newly appointed committee selects 3 main Charities we will support and specific tangible goals are set for each. The charity coordinators then work hand in hand with the teams to achieve these goals.  The charities that are being supported for 2013 are:

Mukuru Outreach Kenya
SAWA’s aim is to turn the Mukuru Outreach day care centre into a safe, warm and stimulating environment with basic essentials like floor matting, cots, mattresses, books and toys.  It is a community based organization run for the community by the communityThe C.B.O is registered with the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Development and also the with the National NGO council in Kenya.  Mukuru Outreach Community objective is to provide support for the empowerment of the vulnerable and youth of Mukuru in order that they live lives they are proud of.  In 2008 Mrs Naomi Kerongo was living in Mukuru and wanted to start a project. She shared her idea with her friend Dr Martina Lordan who raised the funding with the help of her family and friends in Ireland. The donations were generous and the community leaders assisted Martina and Naomi to buy a site in Mukuru Sinai, an inner city slum in Nairobi. In consultation with local leaders in the community, it was decided to set up a centre to assist the most vulnerable members of the community namely women, youth and children. In August 2008 Naomi and Martina initially set up a hair & beauty college with the advice of Rachael Muchoki who was running a hairdressing college at the time in Rongai. Once it was set up and running, Naomi and Martina donated the project to the Mukuru community and today its run by the community electing a committee from members of the community including the elders and leaders of Mukuru whilst both Naomi and Martina are still trustees of the organization.  The Management committee have been active over the years, in responding to the needs of the community, and have expanded the project to include a day care centre for children, computer studies centre for the youth in addition to the Hair and Beauty College.
SAWA took on the responsibility for upgrading both the day care and the computer centre as part of their 2012/2013 commitment to Mukuru Outreach Kenya.

Mji wa Huruma (Home for the Aged)
Currently Mji wa Huruma has a population of 47 elderly persons who are from poor backgrounds with no known attached relatives. SAWA hopes to work closely with Margaret and her staff in achieving their dreams and making the lives of the elderly more comfortable and enjoyable.  Mji Wa Huruma is a city council managed old age home in Runda and the elderly men & women have no family to take care of them. SAWA have committed to helping them refurbish their kitchen, buy them two cows and furnish their empty dining hall.

Wings of Compassion
Wings of Compassion is a rescue home for teenage girls who become expectant as a result of rape, prostitution, early sexual relationships and/or drug abuse.  Dorcas and Danshire started the home to provide a safe environment for these young girls in order to get them off the street or out of their bad situations. They provide shelter, food and love but they also help restore hope to these teenagers through one on one counselling sessions, giving them a chance to go back to school, offering technical skills and becoming care givers to their babies thus empowering them to reach their destiny.  SAWA have committed to helping them purchase their own land as currently the home is established on leased land – the long term vision is to re-establish the home on their own land and build an education centre to provide education and training to the girls which will empower them to become self- sufficient and able to care for their children.
Visit their website:

The KSPCA (The Kenya Society for the Protection and Care of Animals) is the only charitable animal welfare organization in Kenya that deals with domestic animal rescue and rehabilitation.  The work of the KSPCA is far-reaching and never-ending, touching the lives of families and animals alike. It is achieved without government funding and is totally reliant on donations.   SAWA assists with smaller fund raising events throughout the year to provide support and assistance to the valuable work done by KSPCA.
Visit their website:

So I am very excited to be invited and hopefully be part of this amazing organization.  I guess I will find out more information when I meet up with them at the end of the month.  Apparently there are usually 20-35 women that come to the monthly meetings and with this month’s theme ‘puppies and pasta’ I am looking forward to the morning and the opportunity to meet more people and more about the group SAWA. 

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