Monday, April 22, 2013


If a man be gracious and courteous to strangers, it shows he is a citizen of the world, and that his heart is no island cut off from other lands but a continent that joins to them.” – Francis Bacon

I loved my job as a travel agent. 
I had travelled a lot even before I got my first job as an agent and then with the travel industry comes some pretty cool perks (which you need as the job is not that well paid) and I took advantage of them whenever I could.  I had a wonderful boss, lovely work colleagues and I think after being with the same company for 10 years, it shows that I really did love where I was and what I was doing.  I also had magnificent clients, a lot of them repeat business and it was incredibly sad to leave all that behind when I started my World Odyssey in 2011.  But as life has taught us, it moves on-and change is inevitable and with that in mind I will remember my 10 years as a travel agent with fond memories and memories that will never be forgotten.

In saying that it was great to use my ‘travel-agent-ness’, my experience, my 10 years of knowledge pay off as I sat down this morning to research my cheapest options for my next round of flight bookings.

I had to book a flight to Addis Ababa to connect onto my London flight
I had to book return London flight and my internal West Africa flights
And lastly I wanted to book my flights back to Australia in November….
I had a busy morning ahead and I wanted to get it all done today since my tour was now guaranteed.  I have been sweating on the flight bookings for a few reasons.  One is the price of the flights.  I had found great fares for all of the above sectors and I didn’t want to lose them as I had with my fare to Canada.  I was hoping to go to a friend’s wedding in July and found this great fare for 1600AUD and keeping an eye on the prices the actual fare with the same airline I had looked at went to 4100AUD and the now cheapest option was 2300AUD and I had to let Amy know due to the price that I wasn’t going to be able to make her wedding.  I know that flight prices are very volatile and this was a very good case in point.  Especially with the new fare being so high, for that same amount it gets me 5 weeks on my West Africa overland trip and when I thought about it like that, as disappointed as I was not to be going to see Amy get hitched, she totally understood (being a fellow traveller) and hence I am now not going to Canada.

But first thing’s first.  I needed to book a flight to Ethiopia.  I have a current ticket that I booked back in July last year from Addis to London.  It was booked with the thinking that I was going to be living in Addis.  Well that, we know, fell through, and I was now left with a ticket that originates in Addis and finding myself in Kenya.  So I needed to buy a ticket to connect with this flight.  There are only 4 flights a day, 2 with Ethiopian Airlines and 2 with Kenya Airways, 2 in the morning and 2 in the evening, so there isn’t a lot of choice and on that route they can pretty much charge what they want.  I had checked the flights, late March and now when I went to book 4 weeks later, and 3 weeks before travel and the one way prices had tripled.  Bloody hell, and I know better than anyone that the later you leave the flights the more expensive they get.  It served myself right.  This is where my travel agent skills kicked in and in the end after exhausting all avenues, well, all 4 of them, and an a very tempting option to travel Yemen Yemina, (not) that turns a 2 hour flight into a 22 hour journey to save 50AUD…… it was cheaper to buy a return ticket than a one way (by 150AUD) and I have picked a date in August which I will actually be able to use if I have to go to Ethiopia to get my Senegal visa.  I was going to travel on the early morning flight giving me all day in Addis to see Minalu and David and with the possibility of seeing Zeme, but I think the boys are now out of town and I have no interest to see Zeme at all, I paid an extra 60AUD to travel on the afternoon service and now have a 4 hour layover in Addis rather than the 16 hours I was going to do too save 60AUD,  plus having to pay the 20AUD visa worked out to be a 40AUD saving and counting on people to be around-it wasn’t worth it in the end.  Ticket one done.

Now I had to book my flight out of London, which was imperative for me to even be allowed INTO the country in 2 weeks’ time.  I could also now secure my internal Africa flights into Ghana and out of Senegal.  Again after doing a whole bunch of homework (hours) and checking out all my options it was cheaper to add my London flight onto my West Africa ticket and not just the flight to get me out of the UK in May, but I had to book a return flight back to London to complete the ticket and the country of origin, making the ticket cheaper again.  So I have picked a date, actually it was the last possible date I could book due to the reservation system capabilities (as it is nearly for travel over 12 months’ time) and trying to line up an actual date to coincide with my 3 month ‘get out of Kenya to reset my tourist visa’ date, it actually worked out not to shabby and it is hard to believe that I now have a flight booked for March 2014!!!!!!  AND the other great thing about adding the London ticket to the West Africa flights is that if I was to do the tickets separately the cheapest options were with Ethiopian Airlines travelling via Addis Ababa adding additional travel time, connecting flights and time with the chance of possible delays and connections, to now travelling with Kenya Airways and I am now on direct services minimizing all the above mentioned and at the end of the day, the less amount of time spent sitting on a plane and in airports is a plus.  I’ve travelled to Nairobi 4 times from London now and have never been on a direct service, so it will be a welcomed change.  I did all the leg work and then made the booking through my travel agency back in Australia-try and give them what I can.        

My last lot of bookings was to fly back to Australia for my birthday in November and also to be there for Christmas.  This was a little tricker to start with as I had to try and line up the Elkins as to what they had planned for Christmas and New Year’s Eve to work out a return date back to Kenya.  This sounds easy, until you know the Elkins.  They are lucky to know what they are doing for their September school holidays (which they are still yet to book) let alone December and into January 2014.  As the dates and the cost of the tickets worked out anyway, they pretty much navigated what dates I would be returning back and I will now be in Nairobi for New Year’s Eve this year.  There is a big chance that I may spend New Year’s on my own, as 99% of the mzungu’s will head back to their home countries for that period, but I am saving 450AUD and if I will be on my own I think it is worth the saving in my books.  These flights took a few hours to work out and it was cheaper for me to purchase 2 separate tickets rather than using the one airline and booking on the one ticket.  A saving of 620AUD-yes definitely worth 2 tickets, having to collect my bags in Hong Kong (I have 4 hours both ways to do this-also allowing some snafu time) and definitely worth the saving.  So I have booked tickets from Nairobi to Hong Kong (via Addis Ababa) return and then a fare from Hong to Brisbane (via Singapore) return.  You really need to be paying attention with the time changes and arrival times/departure times as some of the flights are midnight flights and you need to make sure you have the right connecting day as it can be quite confusing, and I checked this like 6 times before hitting the final ‘charge my card’ button.  I also checked the baggage restrictions before finalising my bookings.  I had also learnt my lesson booking my flight out of Australia last year using Malaysia Airlines.  They only permit you to have a 20kg of checked baggage, which is no big surprise, most airlines are around the same allowance BUT if you are over this allowance their excess baggage costs are 110AUD PER KILO!!!!!!!!!  As I hope to bring some more things from home-this is just a ridiculous cost and even though their flights were 50AUD cheaper, it would cost me a hell of a lot more than that with my luggage leaving Australia and they were not even in the running to be booked.  Based on that when I checked Ethiopian Airlines luggage restrictions, and get this, you can have 2 bags up to 40kg (very generous) and if I happen to have more than that (god forbid) then they charge 9USD per kilo (very reasonable) and flying Singapore Airlines I am only allowed to have 1 bag at 20kg BUT their excess baggage is only 15USD a kilo and again very reasonable and I will be happy to pay that rate through to Hong Kong before hooking up to the Ethiopian Airlines rates.  110AUD a KILO IS A RORT MALAYSIA AIRLINES.  It still makes me mad when I think about that ticket and as it works out I will try and get a refund on the $450AUD fare I paid, which I am doubtful, but there was no point in me even trying to use it for a credit for the flight back to Brisbane as I would still be in the same boat with the excess baggage-yes I have to admit I have to just let that ticket go.  See even being a travel agent you learn new things all the time.      

So 3.5 hours later I had booked:
Nairobi to Addis Ababa-4th May
London to Nairobi-20th May
Nairobi to Accra-6th September
Dakar to Nairobi-17th November
Nairobi to Addis Ababa-24th November
Addis Ababa to Hong Kong-24th November
Hong Kong to Singapore-25th November
Singapore to Brisbane-25th November
Brisbane to Singapore-30th December
Singapore to Hong Kong-30th December
Hong Kong to Addis Ababa-31st December
Addis Ababa to Nairobi-31st December

Phew……………………. I’m just getting tired looking at that.  But that is the life of a traveller and at the end of each flight I know that there is a small pot of gold and it is worth sitting on planes to get to the final destination. 

So today I played travel agent and it is quite rewarding when you have accomplished something yourself and I KNOW I got the best possible flight costs, know that I had exhausted all avenues of flights and routes and  I am extremely happy with all the flights I paid for today.  Well besides the Addis connecting flight, but I should have booked that a month ago and I just have to suck up the additional cost that I have now paid.  It was nice to be back in the old groove, even if it was only for a day.    

“Through travel I first became aware of the outside world; it was through travel that I found my own introspective way into becoming a part of it.” – Eudora Welty

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