Friday, March 15, 2013


As I had to cancel my coffee date with Laura during the week we decided to meet up on Sunday and Laura elected to drive to ‘my side’ of town to make it easier for me and we met at Village Market at 3pm.  When she asked where should we meet the food court or at Art Cafe, I didn’t even know that there WAS an Art Cafe at my shopping centre, the same centre that I have been going to twice a week since moving here almost 6 weeks ago.  In saying that and also my defence, the shopping centre is 95% outdoors and is spread out over a large area that all doesn’t flow and ebb.  There are little shops tucked away everywhere and I am yet to find the bowling alley and also apparently there is a cinema here as well.  Who knew!!!

So my Sunday morning was getting the trip notes and maps saved for my West Africa trip that I have decided to book, so that I could get them printed at the computer shop this afternoon.  I also started at looking at flights and I have been able to find a GREAT fare that gets me back from London in May, flights to Accra-departing Dakar back to Nairobi and then a flight back to the originating country and place-London (to complete the circle making it cheaper) and the flights all on one ticket is only $1400 bucks.  To do the flights in all other combinations I could get any cheaper than 1850 bucks, so I am saving around $400USD and knowing the cost of the flights individually, this was an exceptional find and I just hope that the fare is still around when I go to book, which I can’t until I know if my tour is a guaranteed departure which I may not know till May-that’s a long time in airline booking world. 

I also took the time to re-check flight my flight options to Canada in July, as my great mate Amy is getting married.  About 4 weeks ago I found a great fare for 1600AUD, well talking about how airfares change, that fare has now gone and the next airfare is 2300AUD!!!!  I was happy to pay the 1600AUD, but I find it hard to pay the 2300AUD when the first part of my West Africa trip is 2400AUD for 32 days.  It kind of puts into perspective for me and I am now going to have to break the bad news to Amy, but being a fellow traveller, I am sure she will understand.  So to give myself something closer to look forward to is that I am going to do a 7 night tour of the Masai Mara in late July.  Not only do I get to see a section of my ‘adoptive’ country that I haven’t seen yet, but I am going that late so that I will be able to see the mass migration of African animals, which after looking up the information on the internet, it looks like a trip of a life time and something that you won’t get to see anywhere else in the world.  The Great Wildebeest Migration is one of the “Seven New Wonders of the World”.  Nowhere in the world is there a movement of animals as immense as the wildebeest migration, over two million animals migrate from the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania to the greener pastures of the Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya during July through to October.  The principle players of the migration are the wildebeest, whose numbers appear to have settled at just under 1.5 million, with supporting roles from some 350,000 Thomson’s gazelle, 200,000 zebra and 12,000 eland. These are the main migrators and they cross the ranges of over a quarter of a million other resident herbivores and, of course, carnivores. The lions, hyenas, leopards, cheetahs and lesser predators await the annual coming of the migration with eager anticipation.  In reality there is no such single entity as ‘the migration’. The wildebeest are the migration – there is neither start nor finish to their endless search for food and water, as they circle the Serengeti- Mara ecosystem.  Can you imagine seeing such a sight!  I’m very excited about the prospect and Joshua (in the travel industry) said that I should be going in late July/September to have a better chance art seeing the migration as it is not a set time each year and the weather plays a big part as to when the animals actually decide to make the ‘move’.   

It was great to see Laura again.  We have had 2 coffee dates cancel in the last 2 weeks (and I did make a joke that if this one fell through I was going to get a complex) but it didn’t-and we found an outdoor table on the terrace and that is where we sat for the next 3.5 hours.  Where does the time go?  They do say that time flies when you’re having fun and that was certainly the case today.  Laura and I just click and it is hard to believe that I am nearly 12 years older than her!!  I’m not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing?  Either way I truly believe I have myself a ‘friend’ in the true sense of the word and it is a great feeling and something that I needed at this point of my integration.  It became apparent that we were going to get along just fine when she mention I should just do West Africa as well-yes I think we will do just fine!!!!  My social life has been the one thing I have been lacking the first few weeks I was here but I am happy to report that finally it is finally changing and moving in the right direction!   Laura left at 6.30pm as she had to get home for dinner, so I decided to stay on and have dinner at the café and with a few more glasses of wine, listening to the live jazz band that had set up, the African stars in the sky and a slight wind in my hair-is there anywhere else in the world that I would rather be?  HELL NO.

So it was a great Sunday session and we had a great girly chat and thanks to Laura for a great afternoon.  

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