Monday, March 18, 2013


So Laura and I decided to have a sleep over on Wednesday and this was perfect as her boyfriend has ‘Play Station night’ with the boys, so he could go there and we were going to have dinner and a few bottles of wine, hence me sleeping over and then I would head home on Thursday.  It is great at the moment as Laura is in between jobs and has 4 weeks off before starting the new one, so this is great for me, as I have someone I can see during the day.  As I was heading to that side of town I arranged to have lunch with Joshua again and he was going to bring an expat friend that has lived here for 22 years for me to meet and if I had any questions that I could ask him.  So I had yet another busy day ahead and I was looking forward to it.  The down side was I had to take an overnight bag with me to lunch and it weighed a ton as I had 2 bottles of wine in there for dinner tonight.  The bag I carried was a Peruvian gym style bag that I used as my ‘clothes day bag’ while camping in South America and it bought a smile to my face of the memories of camping for 5 months on the continent.  As usual Driver Steven was at hand and I got him to pick me up at 11.15am.  With the election now finished and things getting back to normal I wanted to make sure I gave myself plenty of travel time to journey through the unpredictable Nairobi traffic and point made when we made it over the other side of town in in 40 minutes!!  I always prefer to be early any day rather than late and I have now learnt to carry a book/kindle with me to help kill time if I do wind up early somewhere.  So I was 30 minutes early, so I text Joshua to let him know I was here and I sat at the café downstairs with a fresh lemonade under the shade of one of their umbrellas and waited. 

Joshua came and collected me and we drove 10 minutes down the road to Upperhill and to a coffee shop that is found all over Nairobi-Java House.  Alex was already there, the expat from the UK that has lived here for over 20 years and we spent the next 2 hours over lunch talking about visas, politics and Josh and he also catching up.  I think my next ‘big’ job when I get back from Ethiopia will be to work on my working visa.  It seems like there are a few options open to me and Alex gave me a number of a lawyer that he has heard good reports from that will be able to help me and streamline what is already a lengthy process.  Apparently his fees are high, but he gets the job done with the least amount of fuss.  Alex said he knows of a lot of people that have paid so called ‘lawyers’ and it has taken more time that it should have and some of them after paying all the fees and cash that didn’t get their visa at all!  Alex also mentioned an orphanage that his family supports in Machakos, which is about an hours’ drive from Nairobi and if I was interested in going out there he could tee me up with the next visit they have planned.  I think the travel time without the car would be difficult and I would like to check out The Nest, which is just down the road for now.  I had a chicken Caesar salad for lunch and it was one of the best things I have eaten since I arrived-it was delicious.    

After lunch Joshua was nice enough to drop me to Junction Mall, 15 minutes away, after lunch saving me a 600KSH taxi fare.  I felt a little bad as we sat in traffic for a little while, and he was going out of his way, sorry Josh.  He has been an amazing friend and so helpful to me since I arrived.  We have a lot of things on the go that I have to send him an email, to make sure that we are both on the same page and know what we are doing.  He is to chase things from his end for me, which is super nice which includes medical insurance, a contact in Ethiopia in case I get stuck, booking the Masai Mara for me in July, visa information and the list continues!  I hit the jackpot with that referral!!!  
So with a thanks to Josh and a promise to catch up when I get back from Ethiopia I made my way back into Junction Mall.  I phoned Laura to let her know I had arrived and she was on her way down to get me.  While I waited I had a look at the Kazuri shop again, which is basically hand crafted beads of all colours and made by Kenyan women.  Laura arrived before I had time to have a good look around, so I would come back, and she had her cousin Jesal in tow so we decided to go and have a drink at the Art Café, which is like a Mzungu café that is in most of the larger shopping centres in the city and while we were paying for drinks when leaving, I bought 4 pieces of tricolade (fancy mousse, chocolate cake) for our dessert after dinner tonight.  We decided to get moving so we would miss the school traffic.  While Laura and Jesal went to the supermarket I headed back to the Kasuri shop and bought some beautiful pieces, a few necklaces and some earrings to boot. That stuff is so addictive!!  I also had time to have a quick bo peep at the bookshop and bought a Lonely Planet ‘Africa’ book (in preparation of West Africa).  I am not a Lonely Planet person, but with my proposed trip to West Africa at the end of the year, I thought it would be nice to read up on a condensed history, what to see and general information that Lonely Planet have in their books.  I also bought a coffee table book titled ‘Faces of Africa’.  The pictures in the book are just stunning and there are a lot of Ethiopian tribes featured as well as some of the West Africa countries that I will be visiting on my trip and looking at the pictures just makes me more excited about the fact that I may get to see some of them at the end of the year. 

We semi-missed the traffic and got to Laura’s place, which is located on the 5th floor.  Talk about a work out at any of these apartment buildings, as 95% of them don’t have elevators.  Only the real ‘posh’ apartments have lifts which rules our immediate circle out of that picture.  I met the ‘kids’ which are 2 x six month old kittens Tiger and Simba.  I am generally not a cat person, I am a dog person through and through, but in saying that I am not allergic to them or scared by them, I just prefer dogs, but these cats were super cute I have to say.  The power was off at their place, which was fine as it was only 4pm-it just meant that we were going to be drinking warmish white wine until it came back on.  Claire arrived at 6pm and the power was still off, so we cracked a bottle of wine anyway and the candles were produced as the night closed in.  7pm Laura rang Kenyan Power and she asked how much longer the power would be off as she had to start dinner, and the lady on the other end had a sense of humour and told her that she couldn’t help with dinner but they were winding up now.  One of Laura’s friends, Lakota, arrived to a very dark apartment now at 7.30pm, and I am sure it was a very romantic welcome, what can be better than 4 ladies by candlelight!!!  8pm came and we rang back Kenya Power and the operator said it was going to be longer than expected and on that note we decided to go out and have a drink at a restaurant down the road and then head to the local Chinese place for dinner.  Poor Laura had prepared all the veggies and food for dinner in the afternoon and now it was all to go back into the off fridge and hope that it all didn’t spoil.  We also discussed the NES Trivia Night that is coming up next month.  It is going to be a fortnightly event and we already have 2 teams of 6 organised and ready to go.  There seems to be a big interest in the event by the expat community, so it will be great to meet some more people and add it as a constant to my social calendar every 2 weeks.  We have also decided to make the ‘ladies night’ a fortnightly event as well so I I’m really starting to get busy socially, finally, and it really is a great feeling. 

On our way to drinks, Claire rang her friend Amelia to meet us and the ‘ladies group’ grew from our initial 2 to now 5.  We arrived at Moniko’s (which is where the Trivia night will also be held), found an outdoor table and the restaurant was really sweet with little lights around the place and cushioned cover bench seats with pillows etc….  What a nice place to have a drink and we could have been anywhere in the world and not in a small shopping mall in Nairobi.  Laura asked me if I had tried a Dawa, which is a very typical Kenyan cocktail.  I hadn’t, so it was ordered and I have to say it was delicious considering that Dawa means "medicine" or "magic potion" in Swahili. In other words, a dawa is said to be so potent that it will cure whatever ails you!!!  I wonder what happens if you have too many of them?  The recipe is based on a famous Brazilian drink that was introduced to Kenya. It is now one of the most widely consumed cocktails in Kenya.   There are 3 main ingredients of vodka, lime and honey and when you get your drink it comes with a spoon and you have to spend 5-10 minutes mixing in the honey and sugar that has settle in the bottom of your glass-but it is certainly worth the wait and may fast become my favourite cocktail!   We had consumed half of our drinks when Amelia arrived.  Another expat who has been here for a few years, heralding from Bolivia in South America we now had a great group for dinner. 

After 2 bottles of white at home, a drink at Moniko’s before we knew it was 9.45pm and we thought we better get to the Chinese restaurant before it closed.  So after paying for the parking, which is always generally 50KSH per hour and just a 5 minute drive down the road and we got there just before the kitchen closed.  Another drink all round and we ordered 3 dishes to share with rice and vegetables and we were able to watch the new Pope revealed which was pretty cool and especially exciting for Amelia, being South American, she was ecstatic that he was Argentinian. He is the first Latin American pope and the first Jesuit pope in modern times, which is like 1,000 years and will take on the job of the leader of the world's 1.2 billion Roman Catholics.  No pressure!! 

After a wonderful feed we left the Chinese restaurant at 11.15pm (maybe we were pushed a little) and what a great night.  We have decided to definitely make it a fortnightly event and all get together which is GREAT news for me as all 4 ladies were just AMAZING.  After we had paid the bill and left the tip there was still 500KSH left over, so I relegated myself as the kitty holder (just to make sure they don’t forget to invite me next time) and that will go towards our next outing.  We were all a little tipsy when we left, but not too much for the 5 minute drive back to Laura’s and with goodbyes to Claire and Lakota and home for the night.  It was good to see there was power when we got home (for Laura-I couldn’t have really cared) and we watched TV until Laura’s boyfriend, Bhavo,  came home and we stayed up chatting till 1.30am when it was time for this little black duck to get to bed. 

I am pretty sure I went to sleep with a smile on my face.
We just need to come up with a name for the ladies club now. 

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