Thursday, February 21, 2013


Can you believe that it is March next week? 

Last week was full of hope for the future with the sending of my CV to the UN and this week seems to be heading in the same positive direction.  I have made an appointment to have lunch with Joshua next week and last night I called San (referral from school buddy) and we spoke on the phone for 20 minutes and made a tentative date for me to come along to a house warming party of some friends of hers on the week-end.  I think they are fellow Aussies and she is sure that they won’t mind me coming along, but she will check with them and get back to me midweek.  San is here for 12 months with the Red Cross volunteering and considering we didn’t know each other from a bar of soap it was a rewarding call and I hope that we do get a chance to catch up and I can get out of the apartment.  I woke to some great news that my boxes were sent from Australia today-so I am really looking forward to some parts of home arriving next week.

Masai Market Day rocked around again and I have to say I LOVE Fridays.  I had a short list of things that I wanted to get this week, now that I have a rough idea on what they have there, and the things on the list was stuff that at I knew I didn’t have in the boxes.  I think this is the fun part of a new place, buying groovy things to jazz up ordinary boring rooms into rooms with personality.  I had an idea in my head on what I wanted and this week I had masks on my hit list.  Not the usual tourist crap that is out there (I am guilty of buying it and I have) but the more traditional ones made of wood and painted traditionally.  They are the size of dinner plates if not a little bigger and I was looking at putting them on the kitchen wall where there are tiles to shoulder height and then plain wall up to the roof.  I have an image of hanging 3 masks on that section and I think it would look really cool.  After visiting my first plate lady from last week, Helen, and purchasing 2 small bowls for my jewellery and then heading to my second plate lady, Jemima, and purchasing another large stone plate for the kitchen, I saw a mask man that I stopped to have a look at his stuff.  He had some great masks in there and I asked how much one was to start with and he came back with 6500KSH (76AUD).  Now the key to successful haggling and bartering is knowing what you want to pay-once you have a figure, that is fair, remember that these guys need to make a living as well-then you are half way there to getting a good price.  I didn’t want to pay more than 20AUD for each one and when I told him that I wanted 4 masks we haggled and bargained and haggled some more till I got each mask for 2000KSH, which is like 23AUD.  He was happy, I was happy I was within my price range and it was a successful transaction.  I did ask if he was giving me a fair price and that he wasn’t ripping me off and he said I can check with other vendors if I wanted and he would refund me my money if I got them cheaper, which is easier said than done as they don’t just give you a reasonable price, you have to work at it and then you have gone too far to walk away and not buy once you have started the whole process.  But at the end of the day I was happy with my purchases and with a few ‘I’ll be back next weeks’ to some people on my way out I had a great day at the Masai Market.  I LOVE IT HERE.  Everyone’s smiles are so infectious, whether they are genuinely for me or for the Mazungu in me?  I will never know but I am happy here.  I stopped in and said hi to the painter brothers on my way out and looked at more of their work, it really is different from what you see around the place and I just had a great afternoon haggling and meeting the stall owners, I am sure they will all get used to me as I turn up each week.  AND the best thing is I can buy whatever I want.  I don’t have to worry about the items being bulky or oversized or about shipping or sending anything to Australia for once.  The souvenir world is finally my oyster.  It was frustrating when you see beautiful things when you are travelling around the world and the impracticality of carrying them or shipping them stops you from buying them-well not anymore and it is very exciting.  Especially in Africa where there are a lot of beautiful things to own.  There are a few ‘proper’ souvenir shops in the centre and I took a look in one of them I was surprised that the prices weren’t too bad at all and I left the shop with these 2 beautiful red masks for the lounge room.  One is 2m long and the other is 1m long.  I’m on FIRE!!........

I am finally making some future plans-well they are only travel plans at this stage, but something to look forward to makes such a BIG difference when you are new to a place, really it doesn’t sound like much, but I am excited about what is coming up.  I got a message this week from a travel buddy that is going to South Africa on a famil in March and she is extending her stay and doing an overland trip that finishes in Nairobi and we have worked out that she can stay with me in Nairobi and if we have time we are going to do a 3 night Masai Mara tour together, as I haven’t done that part of Kenya.  Either way, she will be here for at least 2 nights and we can both discover what there is to see in the city.  I am going to see if GG is around and maybe we can contract him for the day and then we have wheels and a guide, now that would be awesome.  I checked with Driver Steven about prices to and from places, just in case GG is busy and it all looks do-able so we will just see how everything is placed when Cris gets here but I am stoked that I am having a visitor already, to MY place and to MY new city. 

I also spoke to Zeme this week.  This was a BIG step for me, but I really need/want to get my stuff that I left in Addis Ababa in September.  There are a few sentimental things of my mums that I left there and I want it back at any price.  I was prepared to lay a few cold hard truths on the line and play some cards if I needed (I have a few things up my sleeve if he was going to be difficult) but quite surprisingly it was a good call, all things considered.  But to be honest it had a lot to do with my attitude as there are some things that I can’t change and there is no point dwelling on them-I just want to get my belongings back and just hope that Zeme complies.  Forgive, forget and move on-it is the only way out.  So he is checking his tour schedule and it may look like I am heading to Ethiopia around the 19th March for a few nights.  I have also contacted Minalu to see if he will also be in town so I can catch up with him and also be a backup if I need, if things with Zeme deteriorate.  He really has not proved to be the most trust worthy person and I will just need to be on my game.  I did think about making an appointment to see the tattoo artist that did my ‘Zeme’ tattoo in Addis while I am there, but I really don’t know what I want to turn the tat into?  Maybe he could come up with a few suggestions.  Yes I think I may just do that while I am there and maybe put on my thinking cap as well.    

My London trip is still on the cards and booked for May.  It is part of a return ticket that I booked in the middle of last year.  It is a chance to see some friendly faces in the form of Paps, Em and their amazing circle of friends, buy some things that I may/will need back in Nairobi that are too expensive to buy here and also the plain old fact that it is a trip and something to look forward to. 

The last of the future travel plans while I am thinking about it, hit me that March is only a week away.  Where the hell has the time gone?  Before I know it, it will be Christmas and I have always had thoughts that I would be home for my birthday and Christmas and based on that statement, my birthday is only 8 months away.  It really doesn’t sound long at all and I just may start looking at flights in the coming weeks.  NOW HOW EXCITING IS THAT NEWS!!!!  I miss my friends SO much and to think I have a trip home on the cards, even if it is 8 months away is a very exciting prospect.

One of my greatest Canadian friends is getting married in August and I would LOVE to be there for that, but I am just not sure about the logistics for that trip.  I haven’t forgotten about it and I will just have to see how I go over the next few months with ..well….everything.  I haven’t forgotten you Aimes……

So I guess the travel bug in me is still there.  I don’t think I will ever shake it or lose it and I don’t want to.  I will always have a trip/flight/holiday booked for somewhere; it will always be on the cards.  It may not be a 22 month world odyssey, but I don’t think I need to do that anymore-I have been there and I have done it and nothing will ever replace those memories and experiences. 
So with all that said-a small summary:
A 3 night trip to Ethiopia in the middle of March.  It will be emotional, but it needs to be done.
Cris coming at the end of March to Nairobi and a possible 3 day Masai Mara trip.
3 weeks (or so) in London in early May-haven’t booked my return date yet.
A possible trip to Rome in June/July to see my UN friend and husband.
5 glorious weeks in Australia at the end of December……

So that is my future plans to date-they happen to be all travel, but it is a start.
Job plans-well I guess that will come together eventually-I’m in no rush….
Friend plans-currently working on those and hope to expand my base this weekend at the house warming party-fingers crossed it all goes ahead.  It will be great to get out and meet some new faces.

I can see some light at the end of the tunnel as I forge my way in my new life.


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