Thursday, January 24, 2013


So I am in Nairobi.  What now?
What a very good question.  I really have no idea. 

I slept on and off last night.  I could hear car alarms going off during the night and the gate on our floor was opening and closing all night.  I guess they are sounds I will have to get used to, I’m just not used to hearing it and my subconscious is still adjusting-as am I. 

I am feeling a little anxious and the only thing I can think of is finding somewhere to live.  This sounds easier than it sounds.  The sooner the better for me to find my own place as what I am paying for a week in the hotel would be a month’s rent.  Yes I need to move on the accommodation.  I had a reply back form the Australian High Commission here in Nairobi this morning and they were pretty much useless on the job front and referred me to the internet but gave me the name of a real estate agent here Frank Knight, an email and a phone number.  It’s a start.  I sent them an email asking if they help finding apartments for ex-pats, told them I am on a tourist visa and hope that I can still rent and because I have no transport was I able to get to their office and they take me around and show me a few places.  I told them I am not sure how it all works in Nairobi, but it would be great to hear back from them.  So it’s a start.  They didn’t say anything about me entering in on a tourist visa and looking for somewhere to live-so I see that as a good sign-hopefully.  It is a shame they weren’t more helpful especially if things go pear shaped it will be them that I come to anyway….

I also had an email from a lady I used to work with in Brisbane, Clodagh.  She has sent me a message that she has a friend that owns a travel company and resides in Nairobi and would I be interested in getting his details. YES PLEASE.   For me it isn’t the lure of a job, that would be a bonus, but more importantly for me it is to meet people.  Get myself out there and try and make some new friends.  I know I will miss that and I do already.  I am a people’s person-and I think I make a great friend.  So I replied back that it sounded fantastic and if her friend was nice enough to take time to meet me, then it was a resounding yes.  Again it is a start.  It gave me a little hope.      

I’m really not getting out much at the moment till I get a better lay of the land.  Everywhere throughout the hotel are signs about personal safety, take care of your personal belongings and signs about Nairoberry and Nairobeggary.  The latter I can handle and for once in my life I am taking the former seriously.  I have not been blasé as such about my security since I have been traveling, but I wouldn’t lock my bags in my hotel room, I always carry my passport with me and didn’t seem to mind having all my cards (backup were in a different place) and never too worried about how much cash I had in my purse (not that I had squillions).  The advice in our rooms is to “always inform someone of your whereabouts and like everyone else in the world use your common sense and take precaution”.  I guess while I am at the hotel this is okay, but what about when I finally leave.  So with all this in mind, I have taken out the cards I don’t need, reduced my cash carry and I now have a copy of my passport in my purse leaving the original one in my bag at the hotel.  When I leave my room I pack away the gadgets and anything that may look tempting.  I am not saying that the staff are thieves bit the hotel are warning us to do it.  With all that said there is also a new wave of crime and it is called Nairoextortion.  Yes there is a word for it and I have been warned to be careful when approached by persons who identify themselves as security personnel and try to extract money from you.  I have been told to tell them to accompany me to the hotel and to handle the issue in the presence of the management…..and the last parting advise…do not be intimidated.  Right.  So with all that said I am in my protective little cocoon of my room for now.  I have no inclination to get out just yet; I’m enjoying the down time and preparing myself for when I HAVE to get out and about.  I know it sounds weird, but I think I am still getting used to the idea that I am here and it just isn’t any normal city, there is a lot I have to take in.  The bonus for me is that they speak English.  This is one re-assuring fact for me and pacifies my internal worry gene and reconfirms my choice of Nairobi over Addis Ababa. 

Speaking of Addis Ababa-I saw an e-book that Massimo has completed and added to Facebook.  Massimo and his wife were on my Ethiopia tour in 2011 and he was a very good photographer, especially portraits of the local people.  Outstanding really, and to look through his e-book bought back so many memories of what was a great trip and my love for the country and the people.  I feel like I know Ethiopia,  the country seems more personal-more reserved and maybe one day I will return there.  I totally know for now it is not right and the main reasoning behind this is the lack of support and also the language barrier.  The country itself is still trying to find its tourism feet, and in 5 years’ time it maybe a different story.  I think the secret is now out about what an amazing country it is and what it has to offer, so let’s just say my Ethiopian door is not 100% closed just yet.  

I found a very out dated Yellow Pages in my room.  Actually it was a 2005/2006 edition, but I sat down with a pen and paper and wrote down some web addresses, mainly from the Aid Agency section.  I am not sure if they are even still current, but it was worth a shot to look it up when I get onto the internet.  I really am going to need a map of the city and surrounds as when I am looking at where the aid agencies are I have no idea on how far away that is from the city.  Is it 10 minutes?  Is it 2 hours.  I feel I am really going to have to familiarise myself with the areas, especially when it comes to looking for a place to live.  I also have a feeling that not everyone was in the phonebook as there weren’t a lot of businesses under a few of the headings.  Again it is a start and even though nothing has quite materialised I feel like at least I am getting some kind of ball rolling.  Getting a job at this point for me isn’t a major priority.  The bonus of a job is that I am meeting people and this is a GOOD thing, but I really just want to get a place first and then I can concentrate at looking at jobs.   

So I have a few things going-well not much really but I am feeling okay.  It’s not like I have a limited time or I need to rush anything.  I don’t have a tour booked or a flight to catch.  I have nothing planned.  Maybe that is what this odd feeling is I have.  I can’t remember EVER when I have had nothing planned.  Even when I was living in Australia, there were always concerts coming, holidays planned and birthdays and celebrations.  Well I do have that trip to London in May, so I guess I am telling a lie there.  I think I also feel bad that I am not in the country honestly.  Well in my head.  I am not contravening my tourist visa restrictions but I am planning on living here and I the more I think about it the more I want to make sure I have the correct piece of paper, whatever that should be.  If it can wait, I’ll do it all when I am in London and see the Consulate then. 

TIA-this is Africa. 

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